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International Society for Applied phycology

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Extension on Call for requests for support from ISAP to organize a training course in Algal-Biotechnology.

February 19, 2025 12:07 PM | Priya Pollard (Administrator)

The deadline for submission has been extended to 16th March 2025.

As part of the mission and commitment of ISAP to promote and contribute to the education of a young generation of scientists and engineers dealing with Algal Biotechnology the society has decided to allocate funds annually to support training courses in algal biotechnology.

Who can apply? Any member of the society who holds a permanent job in a research or teaching institution and can demonstrate experience in teaching and organisation skills.

In general, the course should last at least 5 working days. It may consist of lectures and practical work. The support is not aimed at organising a workshop or highly specialised discussion groups.

This call is for support of a course to be held during 2025.

How much is the support? The total support will most likely not exceed 2,000 EUR. And will not be more than 50% of the total budget of the course.

  • Funds can be used to cover:
  • International travel for teaching specialists.
  • Accommodation / lodging of students and teachers.
  • Meals
  • Field trip
  • Preparation of training manual and PR material.
  • The funds cannot be applied to expenses not directly connected to the activity such as:
  • Overhead exemption of the hosting institution (an official letter from the administrative authority must be included in the proposal indicating the exemption of overhead)
  • Purchasing of new equipment. A clear statement should be included that all required equipment is or will be available for the execution of the activity.
  • Salaries or honorarium for local staff or teachers.
Proposals should include:
  • Short rationale of the course and its main goal (be specific in describing the major topics and the targeted participants. Justify the site/location and length of proposed activity. Add any other relevant information).
  • Tentative dates and length of course
  • Name of coordinator and contact details.
  • Detailed description of the lectures and practical work intended
  • Tentative list of teachers / lecturers
  • Detailed and justified budget
  • Other funding resources
  • An official letter from the administrative authority indicating the exemption of overheads on the funds given by ISAP
  • A signed copy of the MOU (received via email)
  • Any other relevant information
Submit all documents as PDF files by E Mail to szewan@um.edu.my and appliedphycologysoc@gmail.com

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