Who can apply? Any member of the society who holds a permanent job in a research or teaching institution and can demonstrate experience in teaching and organisation skills.
In general, the course should last at least 5 working days. It may consist of lectures and practical work. The support is not aimed at organising a workshop or highly specialised discussion groups.
This call is for support of a course to be held during 2025.
How much is the support? The total support will most likely not exceed 2,000 EUR. And will not be more than 50% of the total budget of the course.
- Funds can be used to cover:
- International travel for teaching specialists.
- Accommodation / lodging of students and teachers.
- Meals
- Field trip
- Preparation of training manual and PR material.
- The funds cannot be applied to expenses not directly connected to the activity such as:
- Overhead exemption of the hosting institution (an official letter from the administrative authority must be included in the proposal indicating the exemption of overhead)
- Purchasing of new equipment. A clear statement should be included that all required equipment is or will be available for the execution of the activity.
- Salaries or honorarium for local staff or teachers.
Proposals should include:
- Short rationale of the course and its main goal (be specific in describing the major topics and the targeted participants. Justify the site/location and length of proposed activity. Add any other relevant information).
- Tentative dates and length of course
- Name of coordinator and contact details.
- Detailed description of the lectures and practical work intended
- Tentative list of teachers / lecturers
- Detailed and justified budget
- Other funding resources
- An official letter from the administrative authority indicating the exemption of overheads on the funds given by ISAP
- A signed copy of the MOU (received via email)
- Any other relevant information
Submit all documents as PDF files by E Mail to
szewan@um.edu.my and