Best Seaweed Poster Presentation:
Claudia L. Cara, National University of Ireland Galway, Ireland - ''Investigation into microbiome interactions in field-collected and laboratory-grown macroalgae''
Jee Grace B. Suyo, University of Philippines Visayas, Philippines - ''What are the sustainability issues in the Philippine seaweed industry? – Insights from stakeholders''
Nora Salland, Marine Biological Association, UK - ''Climate change responses of NE Atlantic kelps.
Saccorhiza polyschides as an ocean warming 'winner' in the UK?''
Best Microalgae Poster Presentation:
Chihiro Yoshida, Meiji University, Japan - "Development of organic acid production from Cyanidioschyzon merolae" Kyoko Tamura, University of Tsukuba, Japan - "Hydrothermal Liquefaction of polycultured microalgae: Yield and Propertie of biocrude"Damaristelma de. Jesús-Campos, University of Sonola, Mexico - "Nitrogen deficiency modifies the chemical profile and expression levels of the NRT2 and DGAT2 genes in marine diatom Chaetoceros muelleri"
Best Seaweed Oral Presentation:
Shareen A Abdul Malik, University of South Brittany, France - "Untargeted metabolomic fingerprinting of Halymenia floresii secondary metabolites to investigate its defence on surface"Mathilde Fournière, University of Greenwich, UK - "Production of Poly- and Oligosaccharidic Fractions from Macroalga Ulva sp.: Regulation of Extracellular Matrix Renewal in Human Skin Fibroblasts"Deepak Pandey, Nord University, Norway - "Seasonal impacts on the chemical composition and in-vitro rumen fermentation characteristics of various seaweed species"
Best Microalgae Oral Presentation:
Ben Leyland, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel - "The lipid droplet proteome of the oleaginous model pennate diatom, Phaeodactylum tricornutum"Mariana R. Carneiro, University of Porto, Portugal - "Growth and PSII performance of Nannochloropsis oceanica grown in three different pilot-scale cultivation systems outdoors"Hajar Shayesteh, Murdoch University, Australia - "CO2 effect on microalgal growth in abattoir effluent"