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International society for applied phycology

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  • November 16, 2023 2:01 PM | Priya Pollard (Administrator)

    We invite you to contribute to the ISAP 2024 Newsletters.

    ISAP is interested in soliciting the publication of:

    1. technical articles pertaining to applied phycology from any type of ecosystem regarding microalgae and or macroalgae.
    2.  Announcements pertaining to algae conferences, workshops, symposia, training courses and events, project updates, book reviews as well as review of technology and services

    DEADLINE: March 31st 2024

    Please find the newsletter article submission guidelines here.

  • October 31, 2023 5:34 PM | Priya Pollard (Administrator)

    The first ISAP Newsletter for 2023 is now available.

    This issue includes 5 articles entitled

    1. Akali solubilization and isoelectric precipitation to extract protein from selected seaweeds in Sri Lanka
    2. Impacts and implications of Ulva prolifera-induced Green Tide in China
    3. Training in microalgae-related industrial processes 
    4. The 21st Symposium of the Phycology Branch of Chinese Society for Oceanology and Limnology
    5. Algae 2030 and the ISAP 2024 Congress, Porto, Portugal 

    News and Views with upcoming algae events are also included with each issue.

  • July 22, 2023 3:57 PM | Priya Pollard (Administrator)

    We are pleased to announce a one week International Phycological Training Workshop that will be held in Tunis, Tunisia at the National Institute of Marine Sciences and Technologies (INSTM) with the aid of funding from the International Society of Applied Phycology (ISAP).

    The Seaweed cultivation and Biotechnology Training  is being organised by Dr. Leila Ktari and her team from the Tunisia INSTM.

    More details can be found under our Upcoming Workshops

  • May 29, 2023 10:30 AM | Priya Pollard (Administrator)

    Save the NEW DATES!
    The ISAP 2024 Congress will be held from 16-21st June 2024 in Porto Portugal.

    Stay tuned for more information.

  • April 07, 2023 2:26 PM | Priya Pollard (Administrator)

    Do you have an idea for an article in our next newsletter?  If so, we invite you to contribute to the second issue of the ISAP 2023 Newsletter.

    DEADLINE: August 31st 2023

    Please find the newsletter article submission guidelines here.

  • March 20, 2023 9:07 AM | Priya Pollard (Administrator)

    The call for the request for funding from ISAP is now open.  
    DEADLINE 21st April 2023

    As part of the mission and commitment of ISAP to promote and contribute to the education of a young generation of scientists and engineers dealing with Algal Biotechnology the society has decided to allocate funds annually to support training courses in algal biotechnology.

    See the following documents for additional information.

    Training Call Document_2023

    MOU- ISAP template

  • December 31, 2022 12:28 PM | Priya Pollard (Administrator)

    The second ISAP Newsletter for 2022 is now available.

    This issue includes 5 articles entitled

    1. Microalgae as a promising alternative for fish meal in aquafeed 
    2. Agar from Sri Lankan Gracilaria verrucosa and development of food jellies
    3.  In Memory of Professor Mario Roberto Tredici (1951-2022) 
    4. Reporting on the online ISAP Training Course “Revealing algae biotechnological potentials to contribute to sustainable blue growth in the Mediterranean”
    5. Educational Workshop on the Introduction to ArcGIS for Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB) Data Management
  • November 11, 2022 3:46 PM | Priya Pollard (Administrator)

    We are pleased to announce a one week International Phycological Training Workshop that will be held in person, in Pakistan, with the aid of aid of funding from the International Society of Applied Phycology (ISAP).

    The Algal Ecology and Biotechnology Training  is being organised by Prof. Dr. Ghazala Yasmeen Butt from the Institute of Botany, University of the Punjab Qaid-i-Azam Camus, Lahore, Pakistan.

    More details can be found under our Upcoming Workshops

  • August 29, 2022 10:29 AM | Priya Pollard (Administrator)

    ISAP would like to present the first newsletter of 2022!

    This issue showcases three short articles.

    1. EU projects devoted to the elucidation of microalgae-bacteria interactions in large-scale systems
    2. The advantages of ensiling seaweed for downstream biochemical extraction in a biorefinery.
    3. NanDeSyn Database Supports International Cooperation on Industrial Oleaginous Microalgae  

    The full ISAP newsletter repository can be found here.

  • June 10, 2022 9:47 AM | Priya Pollard (Administrator)

    DEADLINE 10th July 2022
    As part of the mission and commitment of ISAP to promote and contribute to the education of a young generation of scientists and engineers dealing with Algal Biotechnology the society has decided to allocate funds annually to support training courses in algal biotechnology.

    Training course call 2022- ISAP.pdf

    MOU- ISAP template_2022.pdf

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